“You are the part in my testimony of faith and favor.”
“I want you to know that my heart is entirely yours”
“Thank you for allowing me to love you my way.”
Adam, three years ago today I walked on an isle a little different from this one but I still found you. And since that day it’s been you. Now I won’t say something cliche like…”I never imagined this day would come.” because you know that I love a good love story. But back then I wasn’t sure what a connection with a stranger on an airplane would lead to. But in this moment, exactly 3 years from the day we met, I’m the most sure that I’ve ever been. In a few short moments, I’ll be your wife and as we stand here and take it all in and as I try to keep it together, I want you to know that my heart is entirely yours. It always has been and forever will be. I promise to be your partner in all things and take you as mine. Not possessing you but instead working together as the two of us become one. I vow to support you, honor you and cherish you as my husband. I choose you today and every day ahead. I love you!
I prayed for you and in truth I prayed about you. I am not surprised that we are here, I am encouraged. “Ask in My name and it is given,” and He gave. You are the part in my testimony of faith and favor. No wonder why we met in the air on a short flight because God doesn’t need much time to change someone’s life. Thank you for who you are in full, you are my word of prayer. Thank you for allowing me to love you my way. Thank you for seeing the best in me.
“I prayed for you and in truth I prayed about you.”
“I choose you today and every day ahead.”
“Thank you for who you are in full, you are my word of prayer. ”
“I promise to be your partner in all things and take you as mine.